Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm tired

God, give me strength to last two more nights - when Sat night comes, I'll cave.

I promise.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm losing it

Big G is admitted in hospi. Withstanding a handful of individuals, the other nurses/doctors should go through INtensive customer service training.

My nights and every spare moment is spent at ICU where Big G is.

I spent the nights studying.

Did I mention term tests this week?

And of all the freaking luck, some idiot swiped my haversack while I was asleep beside it.

I hope that idoit has fun with all the VALUABLE textbooks and notes that would have helped me prepare for the tests.

I hope the perpetrator eats my crackers and the 'ikan bilis' would poke his voicebox eventually causing a slow and havoc leak of blood in his veins that will cause a rupture till death or worse, vegetable for life.

I curse that if my MP3 is used, the electric node will travel into their eardrums and cause a rippling sensation to a fatal ear burn that would eat half their face.

I curse the perpetrator for all these inconveniences.
- a whole night's worth of wasting my time instead of good studying
- the trouble of having to gather all notes & textbooks (invaluable time taken)
- the frustrations and the many ridiculous reports I have to make am still making.

I curse thee for any profit or gain be it tangible or intangible that you receive for stealing my haversack...

*** WAILS ***

--* breathes *--

* sobs * * sobs *

Watever la.

Come what may.

I'm torn and tired.

Please just leave me be.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Towards a Reformed Mind

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I always say It's ok to break down once in a while.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kopitiam Service

I had to send Big G to CGH recently and for lunch I had the delicious Nasi Lemak there. (Name of stall not mentioned in case if 'kena' sue)

As I approached the cashier, I noticed she was not smiling. I stood at the counter and looked at her waiting for her to prompt me.

Cashier: *Finally looks up - still not smiling* You want what?
Me: 1 Nasi Lemak
Cashier: Ok, $3.00
Me: So cheap ah? got chicken or not?
Cashier: With chicken extra $1.
Me: Ok.
Cashier: *gesture for the money*
Me: Can order some more?
Cashier: *head move up gesture*
Me: I also want Bandung
Cashier: Ok, Total $5 dollars.
Me: I haven finish. *GRINS WIDELY*
Cashier: Faster LAH!

At that point I faster faster order everything.


My gf who noticed the scene nudged me at being a 'troublesome' customer.
I tried to explain that I wanted to make the lady smile and 'Up-her-service'.

She argued,"Hello, this is kopitiam ok."

With that I was stumped.

So what if it's kopitiam? Is that suppose to mean something?

Maybe some sort of code of conduct that I'm not aware of?

Kopitiam Act 2006 (copyright of Singapore Society)

Under this act, Singaporeans are allowed to forget their manners and behave in an unruely fashion such as the following.

1. Do NOT smile as customers approach.
2. Always act like you are pressed for time.
3. Try to conclude transaction as fast as possible and do not cross sell.
4. Whenever possible, replies should be curt.

This code of conduct applies only to kopitiam or other kopitiam-like establishments.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Spare some change?

  I noticed this guy at the bus-stop randomly approaching bystanders.
  He seemed to be asking for spare change.
  Finally he chanced upon a kind hearted makcik who gave in.

  He wore khaki berms with a polo shirt and looked like any ordinary
  There was no apparent dissability and he spoke english well enough.

I don't know why but I was disturbed by the sight of this.
And so I stared at him like as if to challenge him.
Eventually, he came towards me.

          Man: Escuse me, Can spare one dollar?
          Me: For what?
          Man: For breakfast - maybe buy kopi or...
          Me: Where do u stay uncle?
          Man: There (pointing beyond me)
          Me: Show me your IC
          Man: huh?
          Me: Let me see your IC
          Man: eh, no need arh... sorry ah Miss... never mind, never mind... (walks off)

Luckily he walked off. Actually I don't know what I'll do if he did provide me with the IC! Oh - Did I mention the gold plated watch on his right wrist.

In another incident,,,

It was in a bus journey home, when I sat behind this muscular good looking guy.
He turned to face me.

          Man: Excuse me.
          Me: Yes?
          Man: Got $2 dollars? Can give me?
          Me: *incredulous* No
          Man: *looked irritated but moved on to others*

Again, in this scenario, this man had no apparent disability.

I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say. I watched as he went from one passenger to another. The bus driver noticed the chaos but also didn't do anything!

I reckon most would just brush-off such incidences.

And on hindsight, if that muscular had taken offense and raised his fists...

and Singaporeans reknown for their super eye-power atitude...

But after a few minutes of the spectacle, he finally 'kena' from one Uncle.

          (The following exchange was in Mandarin)
          Man: Excuse me, can spare me $2 dollars?
          Uncle: Huh? Spare you $2 dollars? Now, everything all so difficult.
                    If everyone go around asking for money then no money will be earned!
                    Hey young man, don't be an embarassment to society.
                    You are so young - you can still earn, ok.

The muscular dude sat in grim silence as the whole bus looks at him.

(Sidenote: At that point I felt pity for the dude because the passengers didn't say anything earlier but just when the man 'kena' - everybody send daggers his way. Duh!)

Then Uncle reached his destination and gave his final piece.

          Uncle: Nien qing ren - hao hao zhuo ren hor!
               (Young man - good good be person hor)

As the Uncle alighted, so did the muscular dude. On impulse I also alighted.

If the muscular dude did something funny - then at least got 1 witness with the full-length story BUT NOTHING HAPPENED so, phew...

Tell me - What would you do if caught in this situation.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

From The Heart Campaign

From Your HeartSingapore is ranked 26th in World Service Standard which is appalling when one considers that we were at number 17 A YEAR before.

Our service is Mechanical. Cold.
Only do as per told attitude.
We have to change this.

Not because it will help our ranking position.
Neither is it because good service rendered leads to higher profits.

From Your HeartAt the end of the day, this will be our culture - a Singaporean culture.

From The Heart Campaign aims to revolutionise this culture. Not just good textbook-type replies but honest, human-like responses coming straight from the heart.

Start today. Begin with a smile. Or a simple 'Hey - how's it going?'.


From Your HeartJust make sure it's From The Heart

Please help support the cause by creating an awareness.
1. Linking the post
2. Paste the white ribbon or black ribbon on your page.
3. Simply support by commenting

Saturday, November 25, 2006


NEWS!!! I got 3rd prize in Talentquest. woo hoo!
Considering tt I didn't really put much effort for it!
haha. More trophy collection!

On the same day I also won 3rd pize - a bronze placing in women's singles for Badminton. That could be the reason why my body is screaming in pain right now...

The whole week just kinda whizzed me by. There were tests after tests after tests.
This must mean that school holidays are just round the corner. Oooh, bliss.

Then Thursday, some out of world force was goading me towards Design sch for dinner.

There I met AaaaaaaaaMINAH & Fifie! We had some crazy insane 3hr dinner! never laughed so hard since.

Love u guys *muacks*

Here's the weekend music - blast it!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

This week in Sing A Nation

On the sidenote, Jessica and Damien are Australians finalist - I'm voting for Jessica. Wait a minute I'm not in Perth anymore... Aw, damn - I gotta get re-located!

Yesterday I met this dude - I swear he looks like Gurmit Singh but to his credit he's younger & hotter. He even have that character - he could be the next Singapore star. Aaargh, I forget to take his pic.

Lucnh is improving slightly with a lunch-buddy Faris. Cute young politician wanna be. He's like a pro-PAP and involve in all those Youth Committee Program and what not lah. Reminds me of myself b4 I got older and wiser!


wait wait - Who said anything abt getting wiser? I'm just older!

*Pregnant pause to respect the confession moment*

Sri Lanka - have u heard of this country.
Ok, I'm sure u have. Me too. Somewhere near India - right?

Recently I met this 'King' from Sri Lanka.
He smiles with all the megawatt of a personality.
A true shy guy. An 'A' student.
Not one of those who breezes through.
He earns and gruels through it.
But he always have a smile for others.
That's the one thing I really like.

He smiles.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


After the dust settles, a pattern of a quiet kind emerges.

School takes top precedence over everything.
Quizzes and tests are popping round the corner.

Recently there was a Maths quiz and I received 19 marks.
Out of 20.

Can you hear the Pressure to perform, slowly creeping into my mind insidously goading me to revise, revise, revise?

It says,"Forget about sleep. You can pig out when the holidays come. Revise, revise, revise!

Ooh Oooh - guess what!
I got a job. They held the interview in mandarin but luckily I borrowed this book.

Side note: TP is organising a TalentQuest competition claiming prizes up to $500. I sure can use the money (in whatever form) so pls come & support. If you come in a group of 5, please spell out my name plaque properly. It's R-O-S-I-E.

It's not L-O-S-E-R.