Thursday, November 23, 2006

This week in Sing A Nation

On the sidenote, Jessica and Damien are Australians finalist - I'm voting for Jessica. Wait a minute I'm not in Perth anymore... Aw, damn - I gotta get re-located!

Yesterday I met this dude - I swear he looks like Gurmit Singh but to his credit he's younger & hotter. He even have that character - he could be the next Singapore star. Aaargh, I forget to take his pic.

Lucnh is improving slightly with a lunch-buddy Faris. Cute young politician wanna be. He's like a pro-PAP and involve in all those Youth Committee Program and what not lah. Reminds me of myself b4 I got older and wiser!


wait wait - Who said anything abt getting wiser? I'm just older!

*Pregnant pause to respect the confession moment*

Sri Lanka - have u heard of this country.
Ok, I'm sure u have. Me too. Somewhere near India - right?

Recently I met this 'King' from Sri Lanka.
He smiles with all the megawatt of a personality.
A true shy guy. An 'A' student.
Not one of those who breezes through.
He earns and gruels through it.
But he always have a smile for others.
That's the one thing I really like.

He smiles.


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