Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm losing it

Big G is admitted in hospi. Withstanding a handful of individuals, the other nurses/doctors should go through INtensive customer service training.

My nights and every spare moment is spent at ICU where Big G is.

I spent the nights studying.

Did I mention term tests this week?

And of all the freaking luck, some idiot swiped my haversack while I was asleep beside it.

I hope that idoit has fun with all the VALUABLE textbooks and notes that would have helped me prepare for the tests.

I hope the perpetrator eats my crackers and the 'ikan bilis' would poke his voicebox eventually causing a slow and havoc leak of blood in his veins that will cause a rupture till death or worse, vegetable for life.

I curse that if my MP3 is used, the electric node will travel into their eardrums and cause a rippling sensation to a fatal ear burn that would eat half their face.

I curse the perpetrator for all these inconveniences.
- a whole night's worth of wasting my time instead of good studying
- the trouble of having to gather all notes & textbooks (invaluable time taken)
- the frustrations and the many ridiculous reports I have to make am still making.

I curse thee for any profit or gain be it tangible or intangible that you receive for stealing my haversack...

*** WAILS ***

--* breathes *--

* sobs * * sobs *

Watever la.

Come what may.

I'm torn and tired.

Please just leave me be.


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