Wednesday, July 26, 2006

and the honor goes to...

My no.1 WishList

a pair of orangey Timberland shoes that goes for $170.00SGD found at the WHY PAY MORE or CLEARANCE SALE SHOP that never really clears located across from City Hall MRT (St Andrew's Cathedral Exit).

Reason being - them pair of black Adidas I have are killing me.

Someone once mentioned tt you should have a couple of shoes so that you don't tire your feet out? At first I surely thought that was a one of those weird science laff-a-minute crap but now, am not so sure...

My feet hurts. Damn.


Blogger Skeletoned said...

Speaking of that, my feet hurts too wearing the same pair of sneakers continously over like 5 months or so....then, one fine day, D need to switch shoes wif me, coz of some reasons (long story), and when i wear D's shoes, the pain juz went POOF! What a miracle!

2:02 am  

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