Friday, November 10, 2006


Today I rushed to pass digicam to Tasha.

The soles of me shoes came off.
Bought me a super glue.

- Whilst in the cab to Tasha -

Poured the glue unto soles. Suddenly feel heat on me toes.
Alamak, got hole in my shoes & the super glue got in.
Me toe is now stuck to the in-sole. I yanked it off and


OW!! How come got pain?

*sob* *sob*

The glue yanked the skin off me toe!

- Tasha dropped me off at school -

Registered for Badminton Tournament.

Played badminton with the one-toe limping with tongue-flapping shoes style.

Amazingly, Got in to the Finals to compete for 3rd position.

- As I was walking out of campus -

Saw this guy wearing the white tae-kwan-do pants.
Note to self: I never completed to reach black belt. I shd prolly get to it.

Suddenly I recall when I was in Broome recently, I was playing 'fighting' with Little Isaac. (Refer to picture below - that young boy on me lap)

Called Grandma before leaving campus as per routine since Lost SIM card.

Grandma: Your Tok Hassan from Broome called.
Me: Wat'd he say?
Grandma: Isaac had a very bad accident. He fell off a tree & died.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, my condolences. I'm sorry to hear that.

1:06 am  
Blogger Resutsushon said...

so sori to hear tat...... i hope u'r doin ok.

1:46 am  
Blogger Self Drive said...

Thanks all.

Life is precious indeed.


1:22 am  

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