Thursday, September 28, 2006

hotta potah

Mike brought me to a restaurant ran by a nice Singaporean uncle!
Sambal belacan Kangkong.
Sweet & Sour chicken.
Hotplate Beef & Hotplate beancurd!

Remind me of food back home.

Then Bo’ did her best to imitate a steamboat ala szechuan style!

Bo’: Honey, u come tumorrow I cook-a hotta potter.
Me: cook Harry potter?!?
Bo’: No. U’know – like steamboat?
Me: Orhhhh… u mean hot pot?
Bo’: ya ya – hotta pot’uh.



Blogger Resutsushon said...

the hot pot ur fren cooked.... looks so yum yum!!!

iskh.... batal puasa... =P

12:53 am  
Blogger Self Drive said...

It was Delis!

Bo' said she didn't make it spicy becos she knows I dun tahan spicy food but If i had a spicy gauge level I wd say - That definitely hit my upper range!

Talking abt puasa - we break our fast at 6.20pm here.


2:14 am  
Blogger Resutsushon said...

hahaha.... tat sure challenge ur taste bud =P

hmmm..... about 30mins earlier than in sg. sahur time still the same?

2:18 am  
Blogger Self Drive said...

No'la - ours earlier but I awways sleepg then! ahakz!

9:43 am  
Blogger Self Drive said...

u got send me msg to my aussie nbr ijit? I no hap receive lehhh...

Me craving for bananas!

12:02 am  

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