Monday, October 02, 2006

Strawberry Fields Forever


Blogger Resutsushon said...

aaaahhhh...... u're making me crumpling the paper with envy!!!! hehehehe......... man! i wanna go plucking those berries....... =(

6:38 pm  
Blogger Self Drive said...

Yep - somethg to look forward to in your upcoming trip to Perth eh!

Altho I think it's a seasonal activity...


12:25 am  
Blogger mstrh said...

wahh.. best ey u.. sweet life. the berries look so fresh. yum2.! make me more hungry this fasting month.

12:36 pm  
Blogger Resutsushon said...

is ur holidaying in perth affected by haze? cos in singapore, it seems to be getting serious.... last i seen on news PSI:145.....

5:30 am  
Blogger Self Drive said...

hi madame - welcome to my humble abode! I'm just trying to figure out which Mas you are... Is this Rai's clique?

Sue - nah, no haze here but then again - tis so cold here I've stuck to stayin indoors unless I know there's transport (complete with heater) sending me abt!

esther - *returns hugs*

4:56 pm  

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