Friday, August 04, 2006


I think if u save real hard, you'll prolly amass a reasonable amount. Then you start planning how to spend. Me - I'm a different sort. I work backwards.

I already know that on this Saturday, I'll be having Japanese (read as sushi) and watching the Monica Belluci show. Then on the 14th, there's a durian party. *slurps* Am so looking forward.

Here's another way I'm different.

Yours truly have to put in more hours + effort than the average because she is unable to accept a theory without grasping the big picture in its entirety. I am amazed that my peers are so nonchalant about it.

Sometimes when I approach them, their answers are "I'm also not sure" or an outright "I donno".

WTF, man.

Then can someone explain to me, how the hell do THEY get what I don't?!?


Blogger Hilyah said...

Boo! Hehe..I saw ur linkie on Isa's blog (oppssss) Yeah Isa i read ur blog but i dun have ani comments SOWIE! Anywae..I linkies u okies? My bloggie is! See u next wk dearie!

11:33 pm  
Blogger Self Drive said...

tx for d linky!

1:48 am  

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