Thursday, August 17, 2006

Durian Trip

Wah, finally I had my durians. The white 'lemak' (rich) kind. *slurps*

Went with a group of 7 and according to the durian operators, we looked or behaved like malaysians or cambodians or japanese or every other asian nationalities except Singapore.

Strange ah. Afterall, we had some really dark tanned ones and some really fair white peeps in the group. If anything I think the diversity indicates Singaporean to the core.

eh, suddenly I'm so pro-singapore ??


After durian, we went to the King of Tofu shop for desserts.
Although technically speaking we were already eating desserts (durians).
It's just one of those things to 'must-do' while you're in the area.

Later, someone (read as 'me') had the bright idea to go for a 'cuci mata' ('eye wash')along the red-light districts.

For a Wednesday night, the activities were sure bustling.

It was strange walking past these women parading themselves. The colours of the atmosphere were red. Dark red. Almost blood like.

The sleaze of the alleys were dark but yet annointed by random streetlights.
Enough to see the pretty ladies in waiting beneath with a ciggy in one hand and clutching their purse in another. They were waiting to be 'picked up'.

Most of the women looked to be of Chinese Nationals but then I turned into a lane where there was a beeline of Indonesian nationals. That was an eye opener too. I chatted up with one of the guy who seemed interested to have fun for the night.

He told me that as an initial appearance, he would present the girls with some small token (we saw him giving out 50cents) so that the women would warm up to him. This would later help him when he haggles the price at $20. The women would be more tempted to sleep with a 'kind' young man as oppose to an old uncle.

He definitely knows his bargaining chip. Last I left him, he was still deciding on whom to pick.

There was also the slightly 'upmarket' lanes.
On display were booby-licious babes - some of whom were caucasians. Maybe russians?
One of them was a real hottie. Like an SPG sort.
We were so enamoured, we went by that lane twice!

I couldn't help but wonder why'd these women would come to provide urm,,, such 'services'. Is there really no other avenue or is this avenue simply too available for them?

How can the society/community have allowed this to happen?
I know prostitution is legal but damn,,, for it to become a lucrative business!?!
I'm almost persuaded to pimp myself!


We ended the trail with a simple thought sharing picnic under the stars.

Ahh,,, the simple things in life!


Blogger Skeletoned said...

hmm... which "small medium enterprise" you were referring to? The lucrative one or some other kind? Haha! The way you put it in the paragraph almost made me thought that you wanna start a brothel or sumtin. LOL! ok ok... I tink i got carried away... anyway, hope u did enjoy those durians! :D

10:48 am  
Blogger Self Drive said...

Yep, I was insinuating to start an SME in the 'skin' trade.

maybe ala cabaret-style?

I'll be mamasan.

Ejoyed the durians too much - am sick now! pfft!

12:35 pm  

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