Thursday, August 10, 2006

Abstinence is the best policy

Am trying real hard to convince self of the marketing ploy that abstinence is the best policy. This, of course, referring to the physical pleasures of two human beings acting out on their most natural and primal desire to mate.

Yes we should not indulge in casual sex but where do we draw the line?
Who in hell just fornicates for the fuck of it?
I mean apart from actual pervs and fucking ugly men who can’t derive much pleasure and therefore needs to go at it again and again and again…

I digress.

Oh and another thing that annoys me is that It's hip to be a virgin.
I mean, if you are then that’s great for you.
But if you’re not then it’s no biggie.

Because when we get right down to the heart of the matter, sex is a personal matter.

You would think after 41 years of independence, (Oh by the way Happy Belated – woo hoo, yippee, whatever) the society would be mature enough to make their own choices. Hah! Apparently Big Daddy dun think so.

And so we have Big Daddy running a campaign especially targeted at youths (read as raging horny curious young punks) to avoid casual sex.


Yeah, like that will help.

The irony of it all is their secondary theme.


wah piang eh!

Whoever is in charge of this campaign really needs to re-evaluate the message they’re sending.


Blogger Resutsushon said...

the prob wif kids nowadays.....

they leap before they look!!!

then they get almost everyone into trouble, cos of their stupidity...

12:58 pm  
Blogger Self Drive said...

stupid punks. stupid stupid stupid.

12:36 pm  

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